Installing R script with node.js
@janpreetsingh wrote: Hello all,This is in reference to a project I am doing, I want to take variables in a node.js programme and input & process them in R(doing some analysis and machine learning...
View ArticleError while using predict function on extraTrees (R)
@sadashivb wrote: When I use predict function on extraTrees object I get following error - _Error in .jcall(et$jobject, "[D", "getValues", toJavaMatrix2D(newdata)) : __ java.lang.NullPointerException_...
View ArticlePlotly Bar Graph in R
@neel wrote: I am trying to plot a bar graph using plotly library in R. The x-axis goes from the range 0 - 10000, but the y-axis have points only for 100,250,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,5000,10000. But I...
View ArticleWhat happen when SVM has to predict more than two class?
@sid100158 wrote: I am studying about the SVM classifier while studying it I understand that for classification we label classes as +1 and -1.Try to draw the hyperplane which separates them .I want to...
View ArticleWhy we normalize the loading's of the principal component?
@ankit81195 wrote: I am studying about the dimension reduction in which I am studying about principal component analysis while studying it I came across that each component is the linear combination...
View ArticleTechnique for modelling when number of responders are less
@asinghan wrote: Can you suggest modelling technique which work well when the number of responders is very small(Approximately 2-3% in the entire dataset). Linear/Logistic regression fails in such...
View ArticleError in Rose Package R
@arko81 wrote: Hi all, I have been facing the following error when using the ROSE package on a dataset of my own, the error is as follows: “Error in rose.sampl(n, N, p, ind.majo, majoY, ind.mino,...
View ArticleTraining a Neural Network model on a simple windows 10 machine
@NSS wrote: Is there any workaround to train a neural network for an image classification on a medium configured windows machine? When I do so, my machine takes like an infinite amount of time.If not,...
View ArticleXgboost package in R
@norman wrote: Please explain the purpose of having dummy variables for categorical features in R? specially when we use xgboost package? Can we use dummy variables for another approaches like lm()...
View ArticleMigration to Production in R
@tillutony wrote: Hi Experts, Please let me know the process how do we migrate the code from DEV to Production.can we implement authentication/Authorisation using R.where do we place the models built...
View ArticleRequired help in Digital Analytics (Techinques / Analysis )
@Sunil0108 wrote: Hi Everyone, Can anyone help me in knowing the techniques or the type of analytical approaches that are used in Digital analytics mostly into retail industry ( like dealing with...
View ArticleFactor Variables in Random Forest, XGBoost
@asha_vish wrote: Can we use factor variables (Using R to create factor variables from categorical variables) as inputs to algorithms like Random Forest and XGBoost ? Or do we need to convert all...
View ArticleExplanation on SQL Vs MySql Vs NoSql?
@Ranjan_Shakti wrote: Hi, I have heard a lot about SQL, MySql an NoSql worked a bit on all, but not abler to find particular difference between these particular can you please explain difference b/w...
View ArticleWhich multi objective optimization technique is used by K-Means clustering?...
@vajravi wrote: K Means clustering algorithm optimizes 2 objective functions at a time, minimizing the difference between elements within the cluster and maximizing the difference between clusters. So...
View ArticleHow many possible solution K-means have of n points and K cluster?
@ankit81195 wrote: I am currently studying about K-means clustering and while studying I understand that. K-means Clustering - k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in...
View ArticleIs it is possible to use cross validation to find the number of component in PCA
@harry wrote: I have studied two methods one cross-validation and other is PCA. cross-validation- It helps us to choose the tuning parameter of the model which increase the performance of the model on...
View ArticleHow to improve score
@Rishabh0709 wrote: Hi,I am new to analytics.I built a simple linear regression model and uploaded my solution.My current score as per leadership board is 1175.I am unable to improve it.Please suggest...
View ArticleLayers in a neural network
@NSS wrote: 1-How do we decide the number of layers to be used in a neural network model for a classification task ? 2- Is there an alternative to the sigmoid function that can be used in a neural...
View ArticleData Science requirement
@NSS wrote: Please excuse the question but this one has bothered me for quite a while now . What is more important for a data scientist? Statistics or Machine Learning ? Posts: 2 Participants: 2 Read...
View ArticleResource material on time series
@dj28s wrote: Hi AVians, I have used "Discovering statistics using SAS" by Andy field for understanding LR and logistic regression.I find it easy to learn new topics the way they have been explained...
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