Error in R Code for the Lasso Ridge regression
@pagal_guy wrote: Hello, I am trying to write the corresponding R code for the article as I am not very...
View ArticleWhere to start with,To be a data scientist?
@ank94 wrote: I am a begginer in data science and i want to pursue my career in data science only. Where and How should i begin? Currently I'm practising python(on data quest,hackerRank) and I did a...
View ArticleReason for performance of logistic regression?
@harry wrote: I am currently studying about two classification methods one is logistic regression and other is discriminant analysis while studying them I found the positive and negative of each...
View ArticleHow to build frequency table in R
@harry wrote: I am currently working on the data in which I have a plot a histogram of the variable but I want to make frequency table in R for that I have first used table command on it. for example...
View ArticleDownload Data Sets
@jpzaidan wrote: Hello, I'm new on the blog, I liked a lot the hakathons and I saw that the closed hakathons people publish their codes, but a I can't download the data set. I really can't download...
View ArticleHow to resolve error NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 6) in KNN
@Rohit_Nair wrote: I am getting this error when i m trying to run knn algorithm. There are no missing values .I imputed them with -1. Still its giving me this error. Can anyone help me out with this...
View ArticleMeasure two performances over time
@diapernoob wrote: Hello,I have two performance scores of n items of the same type. "score1" and "score2" over a twenty year period. I have attached a sample of the data here. I would like to conduct...
View ArticleHow to plot a graph using Knn algorithm?
@Rohit_Nair wrote: I tried running this code : nng(prc_test_pred_df, dx = NULL, k = 11, mutual = T, method = NULL) Its running for more than an hour. Stll didint give me the plot. Genrally it takes so...
View ArticleWhat is the effect of cross validation on model complexity
@hackers wrote: hello, While studying about cross validation I came across this ques,which I got wrong Pasted image868x495 48.4 KB I could not understand the solution provided,so can someone please...
View ArticleHow is the test error rate affected by k-fold cross validation
@hackers wrote: hello, While I was learning about cv I got the understanding that cv better helps in getting an idea of the error rate in test sets due to repeated validation but: Pasted image855x576...
View ArticleHow can someone start learning about image recognition algorithms? What are...
@sr1407 wrote: I want to learn about image recognition. I want to know where to start and how to start? I know there are maths involved in it. Is there any resource available which can guide me step...
View ArticleHow to deal with missing values in 'Test' data-set?
@royalmudit wrote: How to deal with missing values in 'Test' data-set to predict the output after ready with model from 'Train' data-set ? I am new to this analytical world. I am using 'SAS', will I...
View ArticleWhy we use -1 to impute for missing values?
@Raghuvaran_Raghu wrote: How replacing missing value with -1 will help us? What is the concept behind imputing -1 and why with -1 ? What happens if the columns with missing value contains -1 already?...
View ArticleHow to draw spider chart in R
@hackers wrote: hello, how do i draw a chart like the one below in R: Pasted image657x509 63.7 KB Is there any specific function in ggplot for that?? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleWhat is the function of stemmer in the nltk library of python
@hackers wrote: hello, In the below python code what is the function of the stemmer: from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english') num_train = df_train.shape[0]...
View ArticleHow to drop a variable in R?
@sid100158 wrote: I am currently working on data set in which I have created an additional variable name as a year . str(mtcars) mtcars$year <- 1974 I want to know If I want to delete this variable...
View ArticleWhat is difference between .Rmd file and normal file in R
@harry wrote: I want to build a documentation using R so I have searched on the internet for this I found that there is the way in called mardowning by which we can create a documentation file.I want...
View ArticleHow to code the response variable into a scatter plot in R
@hackers wrote: hello. In the above image in the scatter plot the response variable has been coded into the plot so that the data points are colored differently for default/non-default. I want to know...
View ArticlePython3 Vs Python2.7
@vivekrawat08 wrote: I have started learning python but I wanted to know for Data Analysis and Big Data work using python which version should be considered Python3x or Python2x. Posts: 1...
View ArticleError in XGBoost Cross and Validation Prediction Output in R
@supra_minion wrote: Hi I am working on a data set in R. It required predicting a categorical variable. The output variable has two categories 1 and 0. In XGboost, I've taken num_class parameter as 2....
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