Comparative stock market analysis
@anushka82 wrote: not able to run the - Quandl.api_key it is showing the error as: error in Quandl.api_key, can not find the function and the quandl package is successfully installed. Posts: 1...
View ArticleOver Sampling mutli label data
@sample56 wrote: I have a dataset which is highly imbalanced.It is multi label multi output. How can I apply oversampling?I tried labelpowerset and randomgenerator. But then how do I get my original...
View ArticleFace recognition Accuracy
@komalipriyaa wrote: I would like to know how far is the accuracy of face_recognition module of python3. While executing, I found it doesn’t recognize some of the faces(say Satya Nadella). When I give...
View ArticleChatbots building -different Faqs for different users wrote: HI Experts, I have to build a chat bot basing on the user role it should render different faqs. please suggest ways to achieve. Regards, Tony Posts: 3 Participants: 2 Read full topic
View ArticleInput to reshape is a tensor with 75 values, but the requested shape has 225
@umair45 wrote: Hi I am trying to classify multi-label image classification using CNN. I have total 5 Labels and each label has a further 3 attributes. Complete code is here...
View ArticleGenerating a multivariate time series model with some of the underlying trends
@varun214 wrote: Hi all I have a dataset for entries of 3 months(aggregated on the daily level) for which I am trying to develop a multivariate time series model. The data has 8 different variables...
View ArticleBusiness Analyst Job Description & Career Profile
@meghnapantgl wrote: Various business jobs have emerged over the centuries. They are in a bid to take the central core of the business world. There’s one career that has experienced tremendous growth....
View ArticleHow to build a triple exponential smoothing model for forecasting?
@kevin_aldwin wrote: Hi Analytics Vidhya, I have a machine learning problem that involves predicting the occupancy of hotel rooms based on historical hotel occupancy data. Here’s a snippet of the CSV...
View ArticleWhy do we say errors cannot be normally distributed in logistic regression
@akshay_ramesh wrote: In logistic regression analysis, we mentioned that Errors can’t be normally distributed. With proper analysis (or sound arguments) show why this is the case? logit(P(Y=1|X))=xβ...
View ArticleWhen to use Variable transformation?
@somanadha_sastry wrote: Hello Community, “When there are variables that are not normal in your dataset, we shall transform them to be normal” This is one of the most common points i see that has to...
View ArticleYOLO algorithm for object detection with bounding boxes
@prisilla wrote: I tried to work this code...
View ArticleNon - Gaussian Distribution
@BanashreeBS wrote: I am a beginner in machine learning and basically every blog says to check if the data is normally distributed. Otherwise we can use log transformation or BoxCox. I wanted to know...
View ArticleMultivariate time series
@balaji524 wrote: Hi, I work for a telecom company, my work is to predict the cell sites(1000+) when its going to hit the threshold levels. For example these cell sites cant handle more traffic above...
View ArticleGoogleNet evaluation results
@chimouta wrote: Hi, I implemented GoogleNet in python using the code lines provided in this link : When, I...
View ArticleAssumptions for classification
@BanashreeBS wrote: What are the assumptions for classification algorithms? I know that for Naive Bayes Classification features should be independent. What about others? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read...
View ArticleIs the given Machine Learning problem solvable?
@sonali73 wrote: I am new to machine learning. I am being given a Machine Learning problem to predict the age at which rail will fail. Data given consists of many different tables. 10 tables give...
@srikanthgirijala wrote: While performing data analysis, it is common that we encounter categorical values with numerous levels for example Zip code, States, city etc., Analyst’s usual approach is to...
View ArticleHow to use model.predict() in keras for NLP multilabel text classification?
@work.official wrote: pad sequences so that we get N*T matrix data_test = pad_sequences(sequences_test, maxlen=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH) print(‘Shape of a data tensor:’,data_test.shape) Shape of a data...
View ArticleDownload dataset for Object detection (YOLO)
@suraj822 wrote: In the article Analytics Vidhya – 6 Dec 18 A Practical Guide to Object Detection using the Popular YOLO Framework Object detection in a few lines of code? That's what you can do with...
View ArticleDefaulters prediction on next cycle
@bansal_saurav123 wrote: I have data of loan installment repayments by customers, it contains all regular details like loan amount, last installment paid amount, next installments, credit score, age,...
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