@nikos_agroapps wrote:
I have an excel file containing 6 rows and 5 columns. Some cells has NA values and I want to interpolate them using the na.spline function in R. But I am getting the following error:
Error in splinefun(x[!na], y[!na], …) : zero non-NA points
In addition: Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, setLab = FALSE) : NAs introduced by coercionHere is the code I have used so for and here is a link to the excel file.
df = read_excel(“2017_NDVI_Anomaly_Zonal_Stats.xlsx”, sheet = “Sheet4”)
class(df)#convert the column Date from character to date format df$DATE <- as.Date(df$DATE, format = "%y-%m-%d") str(df$DATE) #remove the 1st column of the excel df <- subset(df, select = -c(RowID)) #convert the character columns to numeric df %<>% mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric) class(df$DATE) str(df$`155_4sel`) #check the format of the columns df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) { if(is.factor(x)) as.numeric(as.character(x)) else x }) sapply(df, class) #convert all character cells to null df[is.character(df)]= NULL View(df) df[which(is.character(df))] <- NULL sum(is.na(df)) df1 = na.spline(df)
Any thoughts?
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