@nandita38 wrote:
I have Building fire-alarm data for around 6 months - Date and the no. of building fire alarms triggered for that Date. I have to forecast the no. of fire alarms that can trigger in future based on this past data.
I treated this a time series problem and used ARIMA for forecasting. I got the forecasted values but I am not convinced with the output and the strategy. I am thinking, whether it makes sense to do it? No. of fire alarms are not seasonal etc. They may depend of values from various other IoT sensors. Does it make sense to forecast no. of expected alarms based on past data? Should I try to get more (more features) data or my existing strategy is fine to go ahead with? Please suggest what makes most sense to do in this type of problem. How to frame this problem? What type of data should I collect and how should I go about solving this problem.
Please help me get some direction.
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