@RobertoMLacoba wrote:
I was trying to run MICE package, explained here.
In one of the last sections of MICE package explanation, I think I found a code error.
You can read:
"Since there are 5 imputed data sets, you can select any using complete() function.
#get complete data ( 2nd out of 5)
> completeData <- complete(imputed_Data,2)
Also, if you wish to build models on all 5 datasets, you can do it in one go using with() command. You can also combine the result from these models and obtain a consolidated output using pool() command.
#build predictive model
> fit <- with(data = iris.mis, exp = lm(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Width))
#combine results of all 5 models
> combine <- pool(fit)> summary(combine)
and you should read:"Since there are 5 imputed data sets, you can select any using complete() function.
#get complete data ( 2nd out of 5)
> completeData <- complete(imputed_Data,2)
Also, if you wish to build models on all 5 datasets, you can do it in one go using with() command. You can also combine the result from these models and obtain a consolidated output using pool() command.
#build predictive model
> fit <- with(data = imputed_Data, exp = lm(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Width))
#combine results of all 5 models
`> combine <- pool(fit)summary(combine)`"
Am I right? I tried with Iris dataset in one and other way, and I think last way is the correct way.
Thank you.
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