@haidevaraj wrote:
HI Sunil/Kunal ,
I am a avid follower of Your Blogs. I must say it helped me a lot . I am currently Learning qlikview and tried to replicate : A tribute to Sachin! dashboard which is posted some time back.http://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2014/11/qlikview-dashboard-sachin-test-cricket/
I have few Challenges :
1) In overview Tab ,Runs scored vs Country Bar-Chart ,its not coming exactly same as your screen shot in the blog.I am not sure why its producing wrong results.
Either i would like to see the data model (Table Sctructure in Qlikview Ctrl+T) or qvw file. or you can provide your valuable thoughts by looking my screenshots.
This is my Dashboard and Table Structure.
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