@azimulh wrote:
I have 2 pandas dataframes. I want to do a find and replace between 2 dataframes. In the df_find dataframe, in the current_title column, i want to search in every row for any occurrence of values from 'keywrod' column in the df_replace dataframe and if found replace it with corresponding value from 'keywordlength' column.
I have been able to get rid of the loop for df_find dataframe since i need to iterate over every row in this dataframe by using str.replace which is a vectorized form of replace function.
Performance matters in my case, as both the dataframes run into GB's. So, i want to get rid of the loop for df_replace here and use any other efficient way of iterating through all rows of df_replace dataframe.
import pandas as pd
df_find = pd.read_csv("input_find.csv")
df_replace = pd.read_csv("input_replace.csv")replace
for i,j in zip(df_replace.keyword,df_replace.keywordLength):
df_replace This dataframe has the data we need for find and replacekeyword keywordLength
IT Manager ##10##
Sales Manager ##13##
IT Analyst ##12##
Store Manager ##13##df_find is where we need to do the transformation.
Before executing find and replace code:
I have been working here as a store manager since after I passed from college
I am sales manager and primarily work in the ASEAN region. My primary rolw is to bring new customers.
I initially joined as a IT analyst and because of my sheer drive and dedication, I was promoted to IT manager position within 3 yearsAfter executing find and replace through above code
I have been working here as a ##13## since after I passed from college
I am ##13## and primarily work in the ASEAN region. My primary rolw is to bring new customers.
I initially joined as a ##12## and because of my sheer drive and dedication, I was promoted to ##10## position within 3 years
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