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Find a algorithm to apply my prevention system to predict the incidents


@darum2002 wrote:

Dear sir

I would like to build the system for the prevention activities in emergency response center or community. But I need to find a algorithm to apply my prevention system to predict the incidents. But I am a beginner of data analysis and algorithm of clustering, classification, or association to analyze the data and find a pattern to predict the incidents.
Can I have your support what kind clustering, classification algorithm I need to apply for those purpose?

  1. Total Data size : 5,068
  2. This data has the street, day, time, age, place, and incident type. Using 5 factors, I want to predict the incident at what day and time, which street and place, what age will occur. Using those algorithm, I would like to recommend the prevention activities to 911 emergency center and community to help each other.

  3. Data structure
    Street Day Time Age Place Incident type
    Bangcheon Tues 10:04 81 Home High pressure
    Bangcheon Tues 23:14 44 Home Falling
    Dongcheon Tues 16:27 62 Office High pressure
    Bulro Tues 13:16 86 Home Injuried
    Anshim3-4 Wendes 11:55 79 Home Diabetic
    Anshim3-4 Tues 18:48 57 Home Diabetic
    Heomok Wendes 11:04 79 Mountain Falling
    Heomok Fri 05:00 42 Regidential Falling
    Jijeo Thurs 08:47 61 Home Diabetic
    Anshim3-4 Tues 18:48 57 Home Injuried
    Anshim3-4 Tues 18:48 57 Home ????? what incidents

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