@chapperscobbler wrote:
Am new to Data Science. I have a Mathematics university degree from sometime ago, and have spent the last 25 years working in IT as a programmer, developer, and now a team leader. Am now wanting to move into Data Science. Where i work they have been very good, but in order get me experience, I have been asked to come up with a "use case" for a Data Science Project. I have done this albeit verbally + via email to a couple of senior people, and i believe there is a real appetite to take on my "use case", but.....i have been asked to put together a brief proposal document for Senior management to look at, and i think for me to present to them.
Can anyone offer advice on perhaps producing the proposal document ? Whilst i am being specific in terms of the use case, i wish to make the proposal quite general in a way, and focus on the wider benefits that Data Science can bring to a business, eg. business value created from actionable insights derived from data.
Also, if anyone has any advice regarding useful resources /articles etc to aid in my learning, that would be fantastic.
Thanks all.
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